I'm gonna try this blog thing! It seem a good place to post pictures and keep everyone up to date on my doings ~ we'll see how it goes.
I'll start with the last few days.
Yesterday (Monday 26 May) was what they call a Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK. It turned out that the Coursiliehill Cross Country was back on this year! I haven't been doing enough jumping lately to be ready for it, so Jenny was going to take Remy in the Novice Class-2'9".
I rode him out on our first hack last Thursday, though, and he picked up a stone in a front shoe, I got it out but it apparently bruised pretty good first. Then I rode him in the (very hard) field on Friday and Jenny jumped him in the school on Saturday. Jane noticed that he was going a little short and they stopped the lesson, but it was too late. By afternoon he was hopping lame! Jenny tubbed it with Epsom salts and then I did it again in the evening and twice on Sunday, but he's getting worse, obviously developing an abscess. No XC for him on Monday then. Shoot.
Sunday afternoon Me, Jane, Jenny, Stacey, and Tiva piled into the Kia and off we went to walk the course as Jane was still going to be going in the Open class. There are a couple of really exciting jumps and one really scary: a row of tires to jump with a drop on the other side (probably about 4 ft down) then 1 or 2 strides to another row of tractor tires, so quite high (about 3'6") and all on a slight left hand bend! And it's only the 3rd jump on the course!
The rest of the course is much like it was two years ago, steps, a coffin, and a palisade. No water, the crick was dry with all the sun and wind we have had lately!
Here's Jane and Bart on their ride...
That's all for today, I think. Tiva and I will be going to the stable to see Remy and then to ringcraft class tonight.
Bye now,
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