So to pick up where I left off...we saw the wonderful seals. We drove the rest of the way up to Dunnet head and walked around a bit. There is a lighthouse up there, out on the windy, rocky cliff. We came back down and decided to head up to John O'Groats. So, on the road there we saw signs for Castle of Mey. That was the place the Queen Mother bought after her husband died. All the guide books told us it would be closed until the 1st of May, but, low and behold, they decided to open for Easter weekend!
So we went in and bought tickets for a tour and had a scone in the cafe while we waited. The tour through was really nice and the whole place is interesting. She decorated it herself, collected seashells, and played Cludo with the family! Very down to Earth. By the time we finished there it had started to rain and we decided to forego JOG and head back to Watton.
We had our dinner and headed back out to go to the Northern Nashville Caithness County Country Music Festival! What a mouthful. The venue was an indoor riding school. They had put down a floor and put in tables and chairs and there was a bar and some vendor booths where you could buy a sparkly cowboy hat (ich)
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9 years ago
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