Another month has come and gone and I am waaaay behind on my posts, sorry folks. It may help to know, though, that not much is going on!
Sean has been studying long and hard and will be taking the train to Wales on Thursday morning, touring the testing facilities on Friday, and taking his Test of Competancy on Saturday. He'll head back up on Sunday and will get a call on Monday to tell him he has passed...that is the plan. Then he gets registered with the GCC and THEN I can apply for a work permit for him, whew.
A couple weeks ago we loaded up the Kia on Sauturday night and dropped Tiva off next door and headed down to Birmingham, to Crufts. We arrived without any bother at about 2 a.m. and grabbed a kip in the back of the car. I was woken about 6 a.m. by howling BSD's, their timbre is unmistakable! We went into the NEC and availed ourselves of the facilities and met Lisa and Chris a bit later.
Chris had a dog with him for Discover Dogs/Mali's and Lisa had Chase there to show. So we settled in at ringside to watch. The Bonvivant contingent did really well, with Chase getting his 3rd ticket and becoming a CHAMP-EEN!!!
We did some shopping and went through Discover Dogs and later we went to the Best in Show in the main arena. We watched the finals of the agility (a Pap was 2nd in the toy dog section!) and the Group judging for Working and Pastoral group. No BSD's got into the final 10 so we decided to go ahead a leave. It was already 8 p.m. and we had a 5 hour dirve, so we headed out. I drove the 1st hour but then my eyes started to cross, so Sean took over and drove the rest of the way. We got home and crashed straight into our beds, exhausted.
Up on Monday morning and over to Tommy and Anita's to collect Tiva and take her to the beach...she was very happy to see me ~ my little Momma's girl. And that was the end of our big Crufts adventure.
Easter is coming up and I am taking Friday and Monday off, so (yippee) a wee break. don't know yet what we are going to get up to. It will probably still be too damn cold to camp, so that is out. Maybe just a few day trips, I would like to see the Falkirk Wheel and I am sure Sean would as well.
So, I am back from riding Remy, he was super today, and so was I!!! I can tell I'm good because he goes well and doesn't stumble or throw his head about. Cant wait for my lesson on Thursday, maybe we'll start some jumping?
That's about it for now, going to finish dinner and watch CSI Minus Grissom...the jury is still out on it...
More later...
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9 years ago
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